A Lifestyle of Gratitude
Life is hard. Even on a good day, things happen that are challenging and can cause us to question the goodness of God. When things do not go as planned, it is easy to feel singled out or like God is picking on us. Have you felt like that recently? Yeah, me too. But it isn’t true. God isn’t picking on you or me…
Cultivating a Heart of Worship
Gratitude is a hard concept to grasp. Every time we think we have achieved it, life happens, and we find ourselves whining about the latest mishap that has us begging God to have mercy on us or remove this new challenge from our lives. But life doesn’t have to be this way. With a little practice we can learn to worship even when life doesn’t always go as planned.
A Foundation of Gratitude
Gratitude is the precursor for all other virtues and is the foundation that Christ uses to build our character by infusing joy and resilience into the struggle of our daily life. What virtues are struggling to shine through in your life because of some cracks in your foundation? How might God want you to respond?
Gratitude Quotient
Cultivating a grateful heart is a safeguard against becoming a bitter, angry, resentful, or “fill-in-the -blank” person. A grateful child of God can’t help but be a joyful, peaceful, radiant person—even when life doesn’t go as you planned. What kind of person are you when life does not go as planned?
Coaching vs. Counseling: Similarities and Differences
People often ask, “Are coaching and counseling the same thing?” You may find yourself wondering too. No. They are not. Understanding the difference between coaching and counseling will help you determine which route is best for you.
Navigating Fear and Stress
To develop a proper understanding of fear, we need to differentiate between two different types: fear of the world and fear of the Lord.
Attributes of an Accountable Person
The key to effective accountability is learning to give and receive truth in love.
20 Questions to Ask Your Accountability Partner
The questions aren’t to make you feel guilty about your struggles, but to help you see where you are spiritually, where you have room to grow, and where your accountability partner can join beside you to help you thrive.
Jael Bible Study Guide
A study in Jael’s life which reveals a series of lessons, the first of which is that God will always fulfils His word.
A Bold Faith
Faith. It can be a touchy subject. What is it? Do you have it? Do you have enough of it?
The God Who Sees You
Do you ever feel invisible? Can you think of a time when you felt unseen? When the real you went unnoticed or perhaps you felt altogether overlooked? You may wonder, “Have I ever been seen?”.