What is Christian Coaching?
In Tony Stoltzfus book, Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills, and Heart of a Christian Coach, he defines coaches as “change experts who help leaders take responsibility and act to maximize their own potential. Coaching is like having a personal trainer for every area of your life.”
Others have defined coaching in these ways:
“Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” (International Coach Federation)
“Christian coaching is a professional relationship focused on empowering a person or group to effect change, create new awareness, move into action and step into abundant Christian life in business and in personal areas.” (Christian Coaches Network International)
Integration of Faith and Technique
Christian coaches share many of the same skills and techniques that secular coaches employ. However, the significant difference in Christian coaching is the emphasis on the role of the Holy Spirit. Christian coaches rely on the work of the Spirit in an individual’s life to bring about transformational heart change. Christian coaches do not pretend to have all the answers. Instead, they trust that the Spirit is at work in the individual, is guiding the coach, and providing the necessary wisdom and discernment needed to move forward.
Coaches market themselves in a variety of ways. Typically, a Christian coach is reaching out to individuals who have a relationship with Christ, a desire to grow in their walk with Him, and are seeking a faith-based coaching context. This is the goal of Joyful Journeys.
Individuals who are coached through Joyful Journeys will discover a coaching style centered on Christ that utilizes relevant techniques individualized to meet specific needs. Each resource used is carefully chosen to help the client obtain the desired change.
Are You a Candidate for Christian Coaching With Joyful Journeys?
Are you a woman who loves Jesus? Do you desire to seek His purposes in your life? Do you struggle with loneliness? Do you ever wish you had someone in your corner who would listen to your hopes, dreams, failures, and successes and cheer you on along the way? Do you desire to experience deeper intimacy with Jesus? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are a candidate for coaching with Joyful Journeys. If you are interested in learning how you can be coached, please use the form below to contact me.