Jael Bible Study Guide
Faith: Do I Have Enough?
Faith can be a touchy subject. You may find yourself wondering, “What is it? Do I have it?” Use this study guide to help you find the answer.
Faith Defined: Hebrews 11
What were the “ancients” commended for?
Do you possess a faith like theirs? If not, what is holding you back?
Be Unwavering in Your Faith–Judges 4
Judges 4:6,7 starts with “Go…” God had something specific for Barak to do but he wavered in his faith. What was the result? (If you are unsure, look at verse 7.)
Can you think of a time in your life when you wavered in your faith? What was the result?
What You Do Matters–Judges 4:18-23
In Judges 4:18 Jael says, “Come…”Jael knew her actions mattered. Look at how she lived out her faith! What qualities or characteristics stand out the most to you in this woman?
Based on what you read in scripture, do you see Jael as a seductive woman or one with a master plan? Explain your answer.
Why would Sisera trust Jael and enter her tent? (Hint: Think about what you read earlier in the passage.)
Why do you think Jael brought Sisera milk when he asked for water?
A gesture of hospitality may seem small; a drink of water meager, so she gives him milk! Little things done by a woman who would have possessed little value or rank in her society. Yet, her small, faithful actions changed the course of Israel!
Personal Evaluation
What qualities or characteristics do you need to improve in your own life in order to grow your faith?
What little things could you begin doing today that would help God prepare you to do BIG things for the Kingdom?
Remember, God calls us to act in faith. The question remains: Will you be ready when He calls? I pray that you are.