Not all Donuts are Delectable

Too many times in life, the last thing you feel like doing is being thankful. I can identify with that feeling. In the past couple of months, I have struggled at times to choose to be thankful amidst the difficult circumstances that Mitch and I continue to face. For example, donut holes. Donut holes are good when they come in the chocolate frosted variety or even covered in that soft pillowy, white powdered sugar that clings to your fingers.  Give me a cup of coffee and you have the perfect start to your day!

Recently I learned about a new type of donut hole, and they are not delectable. I actually find these donut holes to leave a rather bitter taste in your mouth. These donut holes are handed out by insurance companies, and they do not even taste delicious if you read the statement with a nice, hot cup of coffee. The price tag on our insurance company donut hole came in at a whopping $8,000! It is hard to be thankful for such an unexpected surprise! And yet, God has been making himself known even in this situation through friends who understand insurance companies and show up and help us navigate the complexities of the system, through other individuals and their unexpected financial provision at just the right moment, and even more through his people who continue to pray and send notes, texts, and emails to encourage us as we continue to fight what can feel like a never ending battle. 

Image source: (Grant Smith Health Insurance Agency)

Thankfulness is a choice. The reality is that we won’t always feel like being thankful, but in these moments, we can still choose to give thanks for everything. How? Because we know that God is still in control and He uses all things in this fallen world to accomplish His purposes: one of which is the sanctification of His children! 

While I would not have chosen this path that God has us on, I can honestly say that I am thankful for what He has shown us on this journey and for His faithful provision along the way. Perhaps the thing that I am most grateful for is the way that this journey has taught me dependence upon Him. Before Covid turned our lives upside down, I trusted God and depended upon him for things but never at the depth that I do now. My life is now lived in total dependence upon God. 

We start our day together with a cup of coffee and prayer. God is my constant companion while Mitch sleeps, and he soothes my anxious mind when fear threatens to overwhelm me. He calms my mind through breath prayers and brings me joy as I sing his praises while cleaning the house. God has become my walking buddy, my running companion, and my greatest source of encouragement when the stress of being on hold with the insurance company (again) nudges me near my breaking point. This newfound dependence upon God has helped me be thankful in the most unlikely of circumstances (picture me on hold and squeezing in a few extra minutes sewing or tidying up the house); this is all because I choose each day to keep an eternal perspective. 

Yes, to give thanks in these challenging and difficult moments requires sacrifice and you (and I) won’t always feel like making this sacrifice. I guess it is a good thing we don’t listen to our deceptive hearts! Do you think Christ felt like making the sacrifice of dying for you and me on the cross? Do you think that he thought the sacrifice was worth the reward? Yes, it was because it was pleasing to God. Likewise, our sacrifice of thanksgiving will also be pleasing to God. Just knowing that my heavenly Father is looking down and smiling at my seemingly ridiculous act of thanksgiving is enough to motivate me into action because I want to please my Father. 

When we give thanks to our Lord, especially when life is hard, and we set our minds on glorifying Him, He does marvelous things in the midst of our pain and suffering. It is in these moments that He often chooses to display His glory—to make His name and wonders known to mankind. What if your trial or momentary trouble is exactly what someone needs to see in order to witness the wonder working power of God? What if your faith under fire is the very thing that leads your coworker to Christ? What if your faithfulness under pressure rallies another brother or sister in Christ to return to their Father? Would you have a reason to thank God then? 

When life feels thankless, our motivation can come from setting our sights beyond our own plights to the hope of salvation and deliverance for others. Our thankfulness can be the key to somebody else’s faith. Let’s choose to be thankful in all circumstances. 


Christmas Vulnerability


The Impact of Thankfulness