Be a Difference Maker
It was just another ordinary day in the Robey household. Gabriel, our youngest son, was sitting at the kitchen counter eating his apples with peanut butter and begrudgingly working on his homework. I was busy fluttering about the kitchen browning our taco meat for dinner, washing up the dishes as I used them, wiping off the counters, listening for the washer to beep so I could swap the laundry, and beginning to unload the dishwasher when an exasperated five year old slammed his pencil on the counter, glared at me, and declared, “You don't do anything! You don’t cook us dinner. You don't do the dishes. You don't fold the laundry…” And then as if his brain finally received the message of how ridiculous his claims were, he stopped, assessed the situation (and perhaps the comical look on my face) and started to cry and then laugh hysterically at the ludicrousness of his claim as I was clearly doing ALL of those things in that very moment.
Do you ever feel like Gabe? Frustrated by the work that you have been given to do and exasperated when it doesn’t seem to go as planned? Perhaps you identify with me and the lack of acknowledgement in doing good? You show up, you do your part, but nobody ever seems to acknowledge your efforts. Not that you do them to be acknowledged or receive accolades, but it sure would be nice if someone would notice all of the work that you do. If only someone would pause and speak life over you, encourage you as you seek to serve in your home, in your community or workplace, or in your church.
This is Gabriel. my little bundle of joy, right around the time of the incident mentioned above. It was such a privilege to raise this difference maker. This kid could (and still does) light up a room just with his presence. He is witty, energetic, fun-loving, and a master wielder of the English language (earning him the beloved nickname Captain Vocabulary).
Recently I have been working my way through Entrusted by Beth Moore and discovering some truths about the apostle Paul that I had not realized before. When you read Paul’s New Testament letters to various believers and churches, you can’t help but notice his many expressions of gratitude for spiritual blessings lavished on those who are in Christ: the grace of God, the saving work of Christ, the forgiveness of sin, the gift of the Spirit, the privilege of ministry—his list is lengthy.
If you spend any amount of time reading Paul’s writings, you can’t help but notice how thankful he is for others—especially for his brothers and sisters in Christ, fellow servants, and ministry partners. In his correspondence (and he was quite the letter writer), Paul didn’t just write generalized expressions of gratitude; instead he was specific in calling out individual people for whom he was grateful and to let them know how much he appreciated their contributions to his life and ministry. The most extensive list is found in Romans 16:1-16 if you want to take a look.
Why did Paul think it necessary to take valuable time to write out this lengthy letter? Perhaps one reason the Holy Spirit prompted Paul to write this passage was to remind us, generations later, that people are provisions of God’s grace. The Holy Spirit knew that we would need a reminder that no one is self-sufficient. We need each other. Our lives are enriched and blessed by like-hearted believers. People matter to God. Therefore, they should matter to us.
It’s important to take time to recognize and express gratitude for the contributions that even little-known people make to His Kingdom and to our lives. It is in the spirit of these often unrecognized difference makers that we have created Outreach October. It is our hope that you will make time in your schedule to reach out to someone who has made a difference in your little corner of the world and express your gratitude to that person. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just make time to communicate to them the impact that they have had on your life and encourage them in their walk with Christ.
Have you ever come home to find your spouse emptying the dishwasher? Perhaps your toddler handed you a bouquet of freshly picked “flowers” to express her love to you recently. Maybe when you were sorting through that stack of junk mail on your counter you stumbled across a note that a friend sent to you during an especially difficult season of life. These seemingly little things can send a powerful message to our hearts: a reminder that someone appreciates us. Now it is your turn to return the favor and make a difference in someone else's life.
Appreciation. We all are in need of a good dose of this from time to time. Do you feel up to a good challenge? If so, we have created a calendar for you to be the difference maker this month. Each day there is a challenge for you and/or your family to complete. Just click on this link to download the calendar and begin your October Outreach today.
It is my prayer that you will seriously consider being a difference maker this month. It won’t just happen—you will have to MAKE the time to MAKE a difference. I pray that you will be one of the few who choose to make people matter this month. May you be blessed as you bless others. —Heather