Passionately Pursue

God’s Purpose for your life.

Professional and Biblical Coaching Services

Explore our Coaching Opportunities

Leadership Coaching

Are you a woman serving in a leadership role within your ministry? Do you find yourself longing for someone to pour into you and encourage your spiritual growth as you pour out to others? Do you need help generating new ideas or implementing your plans?

Life Coaching

Are you a woman who loves Jesus? Do you desire to seek His purposes in your life? Do you struggle with loneliness? Do you ever feel isolated or misunderstood? Do you want to experience deeper intimacy with Jesus? 

Grow as a Coach

Trauma Informed Coaching Certification

Do you want to build upon foundational skills in coaching to help you recognize the presence of trauma? Do you want to help your clients connect with God in a whole new way by helping them unlock the path to healing and fullness in Christ?

Meet Heather

When I meet new people, I try to avoid the topic of being a minister’s wife. It is not because I am ashamed of who I married (I am actually proud to be married to my husband), but rather, I fear that they will get the wrong idea about who I am or what my background has been. People tend to assume that a minister’s wife is a woman who grew up in the church, had loving parents, a picture-perfect childhood, and has been a Christian all her life. But for me, this could not be farther from the truth.

  • "She has helped me to recognize the lies that I believe and combat them."

    Bridgette R.

  • "She doesn’t just speak the truth, she also encourages and guides while walking alongside you."

    Kayla V.

  • "Heather is able to meet you where you are at in life."

    Maggie L.

  • "She challenged me, kept me accountable, and encouraged me through a season filled with so much change and unknown."

    Megan T.

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